Annunciation Parish Social Ministries
Women's Guild:
The Saint Mary's Women's Club and the Holy Spirit Ladies Guild has officially been merged into a united Annunciation Parish Women's Guild. The Women's Guild provides spiritual fellowship for members and sponsors several outreach and fundraising events through the year. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month, alternating between St. Mary's and Holy Spirit.
Men's Club:
Offers socialization and camaraderie for the men of the parish through various
activities which promote involvement in the life of our parish. Meets on the
2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 P.M. in the Lower Rectory of Saint Mary Church.
Contact: Tom Morris (860) 666-6331
Knights of Columbus:
Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting Annunciation Parish while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. The Knights are founded on four principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
For more information about the Newington council and activities visit their website
Contact: Dick Losh, PGK (860) 667-0832
(NEW!) Right to Life:
The Right to Life Ministry seeks to promote the dignity of human life from birth to natural death, and to encourage our parishioners to foster a culture of respect for life in our community and beyond. Various events are held throughout the year, such as diaper drives for mothers in need, support of the annual national and state March for Life, and offering workshops on planning for end-of-life. Most of all, we encourage regular prayer so that our society truly embraces the right to life for all people. For more information or to become involved in this ministry, contact our Right to Life Ministry Coordinator, Denise Talbot, at (860) 794-8050 or [email protected]
Prayer Shawl:
Combines caring and the love of knitting into a prayerful ministry of making shawls that are given as a gesture of love in time of sorrow and fear,
as well as celebration and joy. Blessings and prayers are knitted into each
shawl and passed on to the recipient.
Contact: Mary Costa (860) 666-1286 or the Holy Spirit Rectory Office: (860) 666-5671
Prayer Line:
Offers immediate/continuous prayers for those on the sick list or in any need.
Contact: Margaret Pelletier (860) 667-3287 or [email protected]
Contact: Julie Carta (860) 667-3714 or [email protected]
Funeral Bereavement Team:
The Funeral Bereavement Team is comprised of volunteer parish members who provide assistance to the parish priests in carrying out the pastoral work of funeral ministry. The Bereavement Minister meets with family members of the deceased to choose readings, hymns, and other appropriate details of the Funeral Mass. The Minister serves as liaison to the presiding priest, music director, and the funeral home. Most importantly, the Funeral Minister has the opportunity to carry the love of Christ Jesus and the prayers of the parish community to those who suffer the loss of a loved one.
Contact: Parish Office (860) 666-1591
The Saint Mary's Women's Club and the Holy Spirit Ladies Guild has officially been merged into a united Annunciation Parish Women's Guild. The Women's Guild provides spiritual fellowship for members and sponsors several outreach and fundraising events through the year. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month, alternating between St. Mary's and Holy Spirit.
Men's Club:
Offers socialization and camaraderie for the men of the parish through various
activities which promote involvement in the life of our parish. Meets on the
2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 P.M. in the Lower Rectory of Saint Mary Church.
Contact: Tom Morris (860) 666-6331
Knights of Columbus:
Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting Annunciation Parish while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. The Knights are founded on four principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
For more information about the Newington council and activities visit their website
Contact: Dick Losh, PGK (860) 667-0832
(NEW!) Right to Life:
The Right to Life Ministry seeks to promote the dignity of human life from birth to natural death, and to encourage our parishioners to foster a culture of respect for life in our community and beyond. Various events are held throughout the year, such as diaper drives for mothers in need, support of the annual national and state March for Life, and offering workshops on planning for end-of-life. Most of all, we encourage regular prayer so that our society truly embraces the right to life for all people. For more information or to become involved in this ministry, contact our Right to Life Ministry Coordinator, Denise Talbot, at (860) 794-8050 or [email protected]
Prayer Shawl:
Combines caring and the love of knitting into a prayerful ministry of making shawls that are given as a gesture of love in time of sorrow and fear,
as well as celebration and joy. Blessings and prayers are knitted into each
shawl and passed on to the recipient.
Contact: Mary Costa (860) 666-1286 or the Holy Spirit Rectory Office: (860) 666-5671
Prayer Line:
Offers immediate/continuous prayers for those on the sick list or in any need.
Contact: Margaret Pelletier (860) 667-3287 or [email protected]
Contact: Julie Carta (860) 667-3714 or [email protected]
Funeral Bereavement Team:
The Funeral Bereavement Team is comprised of volunteer parish members who provide assistance to the parish priests in carrying out the pastoral work of funeral ministry. The Bereavement Minister meets with family members of the deceased to choose readings, hymns, and other appropriate details of the Funeral Mass. The Minister serves as liaison to the presiding priest, music director, and the funeral home. Most importantly, the Funeral Minister has the opportunity to carry the love of Christ Jesus and the prayers of the parish community to those who suffer the loss of a loved one.
Contact: Parish Office (860) 666-1591