Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament is held every Tuesday evening at Holy Spirit Church from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
For 2000 years, Catholics have believed Jesus to be truly present in the most Holy Eucharist, just as He taught His disciples in John 6. We believe that at each celebration of the Mass, bread and wine are truly transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus comes to be present with us not only spiritually, but physically. In the Eucharist, Jesus is just as present with us in the bread and wine of the Eucharist as He was as a man 2000 years ago when He walked the earth. Therefore, if Jesus is truly present (body, blood, soul, & divinity) in the most Holy Eucharist, then we can gaze upon Jesus and worship Him in His physical presence. Therefore, we are blessed with the awesome opportunity to worship Jesus through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, or most Holy Eucharist. In Eucharistic Adoration, the Eucharistic Host (the Body of Jesus) is placed in a gold monstrance to be adored.
Adoration is: Time spent in silent prayer before the "Exposed Blessed Sacrament" in the presence of Jesus. Sit or kneel and pray. Just be silent and talk with the Lord as he talks to you. Bring your favorite prayer books or say your favorite prayers (i.e. the "Rosary". "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy", the "King of All Nations Devotion"). We would love to have you join us whenever you can. Whether for a few minutes or as long as you wish. Adoration is open to anyone. Please maintain a disposition of silence and reverence in the church.
For 2000 years, Catholics have believed Jesus to be truly present in the most Holy Eucharist, just as He taught His disciples in John 6. We believe that at each celebration of the Mass, bread and wine are truly transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus comes to be present with us not only spiritually, but physically. In the Eucharist, Jesus is just as present with us in the bread and wine of the Eucharist as He was as a man 2000 years ago when He walked the earth. Therefore, if Jesus is truly present (body, blood, soul, & divinity) in the most Holy Eucharist, then we can gaze upon Jesus and worship Him in His physical presence. Therefore, we are blessed with the awesome opportunity to worship Jesus through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, or most Holy Eucharist. In Eucharistic Adoration, the Eucharistic Host (the Body of Jesus) is placed in a gold monstrance to be adored.
Adoration is: Time spent in silent prayer before the "Exposed Blessed Sacrament" in the presence of Jesus. Sit or kneel and pray. Just be silent and talk with the Lord as he talks to you. Bring your favorite prayer books or say your favorite prayers (i.e. the "Rosary". "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy", the "King of All Nations Devotion"). We would love to have you join us whenever you can. Whether for a few minutes or as long as you wish. Adoration is open to anyone. Please maintain a disposition of silence and reverence in the church.